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Branding - Secret Sauce

Branding! The 2nd Fundamental Perception Driver

May 31, 20233 min read

Ah, branding. It's like the secret sauce for success, the glittery unicorn of business.

All those business gurus can't be wrong, right? Every one of them is shouting this from the rooftops and throwing their own spin on it. So while I sit here on the lounge with a dog trying to play ball with me at 9:30pm on a Thursday night, let's dig deeper into the mystical realm of branding and uncover its true essence, shall we?

First things first, let's clear up a common misconception: branding is NOT just about having a fancy logo. The logo is merely the tasting platter in the all you can eat buffet that is your business.

YES, your logo is important, like the candles on a birthday cake or the colour of your shoes to match that outfit you're wearing out on Saturday night. But branding goes way beyond that. It's like the entire cake or outfit! Every little detail of your business should scream your brand's name.

So, what in the world is this enigmatic thing called a brand? Well, think of it as your business's personality, its persona. Just like each person has their own unique quirks, attitude and style, your business has its own vibe too. And just like your personality affects how people perceive you, your brand affects how people perceive your business. It's like a first impression on steroids.

But hold your horses, before you start sketching out logos, you need to unravel the deep mysteries of your business's personality.

  1. What are your company's values?

  2. What makes you stand out from the crowd?

  3. What gets your customers' hearts racing?

Answering these questions will unlock the secrets to your brand's personality.

Once you've decoded your brand's personality, it's time to bring it to life visually. This is where the magic happens, and things get real.

Choose your colors, fonts, and logo design wisely, as they will become the visual embodiment of your brand's soul.

Are you a wild and playful brand?

Then unleash a vibrant color palette and a font that dances like nobody's watching.

Or maybe you're a sophisticated, high-end brand?

In that case, embrace the elegance of a sleek logo and a minimalist design that screams "I'm fancy!"

But wait, there's more!

Your brand is a living, breathing creature. It must grow and evolve as your business spreads its wings. That means you need to give it a check-up every now and then, like a trip to the brand doctor for a quick nip and tuck or face lift.

Make sure your brand stays fresh and relevant, reflecting the ever-changing landscape of your business. Treat it like an inside plant and nurture it periodically. Neglect it, and it'll wither away faster than a forgotten salad stuck in the back of the fridge.

So, to sum it all up, branding is the grand master of all things business. It's not just about a logo, it's about creating a captivating personality for your business. Let it infiltrate every nook and cranny of your operations.

And remember... consistency, embed it into everything, because consistency is key! Your website, social media, ads, and even your packaging should all be singing the same brand tune. That's how you build recognition.

Repetition Builds Reputation!

Now, armed with this newfound wisdom, go forth and conquer the branding world! Take a big juicy bite out of that branding apple and create a brand that will make heads turn and tongues wag.

Branding is a journey and every journey begins with the first step so take time to map your route, wear appropriate footwear and don't be afraid to change directions if that path isn't getting you where you need to be.

Remember, beautiful people, branding is your secret weapon. Embrace it, nurture it, and let it guide you towards the land of success. May your brand shine brighter than a disco ball in a lightning storm, and may your customers fall head over heels in love with your irresistible charm.

Now go, go forth and brand like there's no tomorrow!

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