Let's get down and dirty with...

Lipstick on a monkey

1st Perception Driver - Physical Appearance

May 31, 20234 min read

Ok so first of all, let's take a minute to talk about the monkey in the room - physical appearance. And no, we're not talking about Kim Kardashian's latest plastic surgery seen above. We're talking about the importance of physical appearance in business.

Yes, we know, you're probably thinking, "But I have a great personality, why should I care about looks?" Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but in the business world, regardless of size, service or audience, looks matter.

Just like we all do when we deal with businesses that aren't our own, customers make judgments about a business within seconds of entering the store, seeing your office or more recently looking at your website. And regardless of being told from the parental figures in our lives as we were growing up let's be real, we all still tend to judge a book by its cover.

Think of it this way, your physical appearance is like getting dressed for a first date. You want to make a good impression so you put in the effort to look your best. The same applies to your business. You want to make a great impression on your customers, so you need to put in the effort to make your physical appearance stand out.

You want your business to look attractive and enticing!

So, let's talk about some tips to make your physical appearance shine. First and foremost, cleanliness is key. No one wants to visit a dingy, cluttered store or office. Same goes for your businesses digital appearance. When it comes to photos, designs and socials, customers are evaluating constantly forming perceptions about your business before they have had any contact. It's like going on a date with someone who hasn't showered in a week and have taken the ripped jeans look to an entirely new level - not a good look. Keep your store or office well-lit, clean, organised and also be mindful of your digital appearance. Things can look aged very quickly online.

Next up, colours and designs. Choose colours and designs that complement your brand and create a welcoming atmosphere. Please don't go overboard with neon colours; we're not trying to blind customers as they walk through the door. A little bit goes a long way.

Now, let's talk about the small in-store details. Fresh flowers or a bowl of candy might seem insignificant, but they can make a huge difference. And smells, have you ever walked into a store and smelled something so enticing that it just grabs your attention? Yes? These small things can trigger emotions and feelings in us that bring back memories or just make us feel comfortable. Small touches like these can create a lasting impression on customers.

Let's not forget about company vehicles and uniforms. Keeping them clean, well-maintained, and looking sharp is essential in reflecting the professional image you want to project. Nothing screams unprofessional more than a rusty company van with a 'honk if you're horny' bumper sticker.

I have touched on it a little bit so far but you might be thinking, "But I don't have a physical store or office, what should I do?" Fear not!

Physical appearance goes beyond brick and mortar. If you're an online business, your website is your virtual storefront. Designing a well-structured website, easy to navigate, and visually appealing is essential. It really is all about the user experience. Hiring a professional web designer is totally worth the investment. Navigating the minefield that is website design and optimisation can get very overwhelming for most business owners especially when trying to "Go the cheap route" and doing it themselves. There are some websites that would give you a migraine.

Last but not least, social media presence. Your online presence is an extension of your physical appearance. A well-designed profile and cover photo can make a huge impact and help you stand out from the crowd. So, please don't use blurry photos or pictures of yourself from your graduation day 25 years ago.

In conclusion, physical appearance is a crucial component of your brand's perception. Your physical appearance should reflect your business's values and personality. Remember, you only have one chance to make a first impression, so make it count! Just like how putting a nice suit and tie on or sliding into that new dress can make you feel confident, presenting your business in the best light possible can do wonders for your brand.

Don't let your business look like a monkey wearing lipstick! There's no need to go all-out and hire a personal stylist, but taking the necessary steps can make all the difference.

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